Lewis Reckline - 7:14 Ministries

Learn more about Lewis Reckline, a dedicated member of 7:14 Ministries. Discover his background, passion for the ministry, and contributions to our organization.

Born in Fairfax, Virginia, Lewis has lived in numerous cities across four states, eventually settling in North Texas.   Raised in a Christian home, he has sought the Lord throughout his life, continually deepening his faith and understanding of God’s grace.

A lifelong storytelling enthusiast, Lewis turned his passion into a career as a video editor for an up-and-coming production company. When he's not refining visual narratives, he spends his time filmmaking, writing, reading, playing guitar, and playing chess—though he humbly admits he’s only good at one or two of those!

His life verse is:  Job 8:7 – “And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.”