7:14 Ministries News Letter
Welcome to the 7:14 Ministries News Letter page. Stay updated on the latest happenings at our church in Austin, Texas, and our outreach efforts in Pakistan.
March 2025
Mission to Guyana 2025
I was blessed to be invited to travel to Guyana, South America. I spent my entire visit in Georgetown, the capital city, and its surrounding areas. My host pastor, Latchana Yankana, and his wife took incredible care of me throughout my stay.
Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America. The English spoken there has a distinct Caribbean influence. While I could understand most of it, I occasionally got lost in the idioms and slang. However, by the time I was leaving, I found it much easier to follow conversations.
I arrived early on Thursday morning, February 6th, at 1:35 a.m., where I was warmly received by Pastor Latcho. After getting some rest and feeling restored, I spoke that evening to a packed church house in the neighboring community of Friendship, Guyana. This church is the second new ministry birthed out of the main ministry of Bible Baptist Church in Demerara, a suburb of Georgetown. The congregation was very receptive, listening with great interest. At the conclusion, many came to the altar to make personal commitments in their walk with God.
On Saturday afternoon, I spoke to Pastor Latcho and a dedicated group of his most faithful men. I shared a message from Psalm 15 on the subject, "The Character of Godly Men." Pastor Latcho has a very close relationship with these men, and they are the backbone of his ministry.
Sunday was a very busy day as I taught the Adult Bible Study, preached in the morning and evening services, and in the afternoon, ministered to around 40 children and youth at the Friendship campus. Each service saw many people responding during the invitation, and I had the privilege of praying over many at the altar.
After the Sunday morning service, an elderly woman named Verna Evans approached me to share a testimony. She had been one of several individuals who came forward during the invitation for prayer. As I often do, I went from person to person as they prayed, laying my hand on their shoulders while praying over them. Verna shared that she had fallen weeks before and injured her hip, making it difficult for her to climb stairs or even walk. She told me that while I was praying over her, she felt a warm sensation move through her body. When she rose from the altar, her hip was completely healed. Praise God—He is still healing broken and bruised bodies even today!
On Tuesday, Pastor Latcho and I visited his brother, Remana Latchana, at his farm just outside the city. Brother Remana also pastors a church in his community, as both men love serving the Lord. I enjoyed fresh fruit and good fellowship while exploring the farm, which was full of coconut trees, lime trees, and many other fruits and vegetables. The highlight was drinking coconut water straight from a freshly picked coconut. We also enjoyed a delightful lunch prepared by Brother Remana’s wife.
Monday was a day of rest, and on Tuesday, we went into town. While Pastor Latcho had work done on his vehicle, I walked the streets, passing out Gospel tracts and witnessing to people along the way. We also visited downtown Georgetown, where I had the opportunity to go inside the world's tallest wooden building, St. George’s Cathedral. While inside, I sang a verse of "Amazing Grace." You can watch the video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/LFD2Nwu6t5s?si=r3ZWCVoPVkw7Mk7L.
(For more videos from my visit to Guyana, check out my YouTube channel:
Wednesday night was my final time preaching for Pastor Latcho and the congregation of Bible Baptist Church. That morning, Pastor Latcho’s son, Alvin, had arrived with his wife, Haley, and their youngest daughter. Alvin had been a teenager in my Sunday School class back in New Jersey in 2005-2006. Before I
preached my final sermon, he and Haley sang a special song. They are planning to move to Guyana in the near future to take over the growing ministry in Friendship.
After the service, many came to say their goodbyes, including Verna, who was still praising God for her healing. My time in Guyana was well spent, and I cherished the fellowship with Brother Latcho. (Visit our website: 714-ministries.com to view his testimonial on our testimonial page.)
I woke up at 3:45 a.m. on Thursday morning, left for the airport at 4:15 a.m., and arrived back in Austin just after 6 p.m. Though weary from travel, I was blessed to be home and encouraged by what God did and continues to do in the lives of the people of Guyana!
February 2025
February 2025
Mission to Guyana
Latchana Yankana is a national of Guyana, South America, and I was privileged to make friends with him while ministering in New Jersey over 20 years ago. A few years back he began inviting me to come and hold a revival in Guyana but the timing was never right.
In the fall of 2024 God impressed upon me to reach out to him and let him know I was available to minister. He asked me to come in February of this year, and I will be ministering in Guyana from February 5th through the 13th. I have been praying for this opportunity and I am excited to see what God is going to do. This will be my first trip to South America, and my 5tth of the 7 continents to minister to. I look forward to sharing the highlights in the March Newsletter.
Building Bridges
“And on some have compassion, making a difference;” Jude 22
I am continually praying for God to open doors with co-workers to share the Gospel. My co-worker Tosha recently opened up about having to move. I immediately offered my services as that is why Kristy and I bought our Ford F-150 - specifically to help others. She took me up on the offer and shared further details that she was going to be homeless and living in her car for a few months because of financial woes. I was crushed - Kristy I have allowed others to live with us for this very same reason, but living in an RV doesn’t allow for extra space. I shared her need with my Bible study group, and long story short, a precious couple is allowing her to stay with them for two months till she gets on her feet! During this time I am praying that either they or I can share Jesus with her; please pray for her financial needs and even more so for her salvation. On a side note please pray for these other co-workers whom I am actively witnessing to at this time: Steve, Jeremiah, Fabian, Mark and Alejandra.
Partnering with Pakistan
Sam (Khalid) Bhatti invited me to be his friend on Facebook. I was very cautious about accepting his request because he was from Pakistan, and I had NO CLUE who he was or why he wanted to be friends. I scrolled through his FB history and found that he was a very bold and consistent witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in this Islamic country. After a few months of friendship, I broached the friendship by asking: Sam out of all the people and ministers on Facebook, why did you want to be my friend? His answer was basically this: I can see by your posts that you too love God and are serving Him, and I also want to get you to come to Pakistan to minister. I then asked him: why ask me to be a minister when there are plenty of other ministers to invite. His reply humbled me and stunned me. He said, “I have invited a few others but they always demanded I promise a big audience and special accommodations. The Lord showed me that you would be willing to go and share Christ anywhere with anyone, whether it be big cities or small villages.” Praise the Lord for bringing Sam and I together. I will be sharing more each month about what this ministry is about and what God is using Sam to do including: building a village complex for displaced Christians, travelling to village far and near and sharing the Gospel, deliverance ministry from demonic possession, teaching and assisting displaced believers in starting their own businesses, and buying enslaved peoples freedom from slavery. We will also have Sam write articles for this portion of our newsletter from time to time.
Monthly Bible Study
I began our monthly Bible study in a local coffee shop in the summer of 2022. Since then the coffee shop has closed and for a while we have met in homes or online. I feel a burden to have our own permanent place to meet while still continuing the Bible study online. Would you please pray with me that God will show us exactly what we should do? We start meeting again on February 23rd via zoom. If you are interested in being a part, email me at m-ross-h@hotmail.com put the words “Bible study” in the subject line and we will send you the link!
As always we covet your prayers and thank God for your friendship. May God’s best be yours. If you would like to find out more about our ministry or if you would like to donate to help us please reach out via email or by text, and also visit our website as we are adding new content each
📧 Email: m-ross-h@hotmail.com
📱 Text: 512-430-0646
🌐 Website: www.714-ministries.com
Thank you for being part of what God is doing through this ministry. Your prayers and support mean the world to us!
January 2025
January 2025
Welcome to our first ever monthly newsletter! We are so thankful that you want to hear about all of the amazing things that have been going on with the 7:14 Ministries International. God is faithfully leading, guiding and directing, and we give Him all the glory.
A Year of Blessings: Reflecting on 2024
As we look back on 2024, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the ways God has moved in our ministry.This was a year of growth, transformation, and abundant blessings. From our first mission trip to Pakistan to taking the necessary steps to bringing our ministry into non-profit status, we have witnessed God’s faithfulness every step of the way. We’d like to share some of the highlights from this unforgettable year.
Sunday Night Bible Study
We have seen God bless our Sunday evening Bible study with new people joining the study, and spiritual growth in the lives of those who attend. One of the most special moments is our time of prayer, as we share our burdens and know that God hears and answers prayer; we have seen so many answers to prayer - what a mighty God we serve.
Our Mission Trip to Pakistan
The year continued with a monumental experience: Our founder Ross Heinricy went on his first mission trip to Pakistan. What an incredible journey it was! God opened doors for Ross to share the Gospel in places he never imagined, and to talk with people from every walk of life. The trip resulted in over 100 people receiving Christ as their Savior. Between speaking in several villages, and four different congregations, he also participated in a baptismal service, where new believers publicly declared their faith in Christ. The atmosphere was filled with a deep sense of peace and celebration as their public stand was a bold step in a country dominated by Islam. We also had the privilege of dedicating a precious baby to the Lord, a reminder of God’s plan for future generations.
One of the most spiritually intense experiences was an exorcism Ross participated in. While it was a sobering reminder of the reality of spiritual warfare, it was also a testament to the authority of Christ, and His ability to set the captive free! This experience was both humbling and faith-strengthening.
Prayer at the Capitol
We met for the very first time on July 14th (7/14) on the steps of the capitol building in Austin, Texas, for a time of sharing the Word of God and public prayer for revival in our city, state and nation. We continued meeting once a month through December as we are actively and persistently asking God to send a 3rd Great Awakening to America.
A New Chapter: Non-Profit Ministry
Another major milestone this year was taking the first steps in bringing our ministry into official non-profit status. Becoming a non-profit allows us to serve more effectively, reach more people, and steward resources with greater accountability. We look forward to very soon being recognized by the State of Texas as a non-profit ministry.
We have also begun receiving financial support from several donors. Their contributions have been a tangible reminder of God’s provision. Time and again, we’ve seen God meet our needs—and we are always in awe. To those who have partnered with us financially, we cannot thank you enough for your generosity and faithfulness.
Looking Ahead
We are filled with joyful anticipation and expectation for God to do great and mighty things in 2025. Ross will be ministering in Guyana, South America in February, and then he will return to Pakistan in June. We know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to His riches in Christ Jesus. God is calling 7:14 Ministries to expand our outreach efforts, disciple new believers, and deepen our community impact. We believe that the seeds sown this year will bear fruit both now and in the years to come.
Thank You
To everyone who has journeyed with us thus far, thank you! Your prayers, encouragement, and support have been the lifeblood that keeps this ministry going. We are humbled and grateful that you have chosen to walk this journey with us.
As we continue to seek God first, it is our prayer that we will make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of Heaven here on this earth. We recognize and give thanks for all He did in 2024, and we step into this brand new year with hearts that are full; ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie before us. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to seek Him and serve others.
“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of
God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31