Kristy Heinricy - 7:14 Ministries

Welcome to the Kristy Heinricy page at 7:14 Ministries. Learn more about her journey and how she is contributing to our mission of spreading the name of Christ worldwide.

Kristy was born in West Tennessee in 1973 and was raised in a loving, Christian home. She now resides in Texas with her husband Ross, whom she has been married to for over 27 years.  She has been blessed with five children.

At the tender age of four, Kristy approached her mother after hearing a message about heaven, and asked to receive Jesus into her heart. At thirteen, she surrendered her life to full-time Christian service. She attended Crown College in Powell, Tennessee, where she pursued a degree in elementary education. This is also where she met her husband, Ross, and they began a lifelong journey of ministry and family together.

Kristy dedicated many years to being a stay-at-home mother, investing in their lives until the youngest started school. Throughout the years, she has served in numerous church roles, as well as supporting her husband in the ministry as a pastor’s wife. The loss of her beloved grandfather was a pivotal moment in her life, inspiring her to further her education and pursue a nursing license. Today, she works as a wound care specialist, using her skills to bring healing and care to those in need.

Kristy is excited about how God is using and will continue to use 7:14 Ministries to impact lives both in the U.S. and around the world. With a heart dedicated to service, she looks forward to all that God has in store for the future.